Curriculum Vitae
Name and Title: Dr. Michael Bush, Associate Professor of French and Instructional Psychology and Technology
Address: 3086-B JFSB
Telephone: (801) 224-8881(H) (801) 422-4515 (O)
Spouse: Annie Jeanne Dupuy Bush
Children: Christophe Michael
Melissa Anne
Céline Louisa
Jonathan Raymond
Hobbies: Skiing, swimming, sailing, using and programming microcomputers, and playing keyboard instruments.
PhD Foreign Language Education and Computer Science, The
MBA Quantitative Methods and Computer Science,
BA Political Science,
Other Studies Aerospace Engineering, Auburn University, 1964-1966, 1969.
LANGUAGE SKILLS Fluent in French
OTHER Missionary to
IconAuthor, dBase III, PASCAL, PL/1, SPSS, FORTRAN, Framework, BASIC, COBOL, IBM TSO, IBM JCL, and TI 9900 Assembly Language.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Instruction Consortium (CALICO) (Executive Board Member 1992 to 1995), and Phi Delta Kappa Professional Education Fraternity.
ACTFL/FDP-Houghton Mifflin Annual Award for Excellence in Foreign Language Instruction Using Technology (with the International Association of Language Laboratories) (1999)
1992: First Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Force Meritorious Service Medal
1986: Defense Meritorious Service Medal
1984: Air Force Meritorious Service Medal
1983: Air Force Special Achievement Medal
1976: Air Force Commendation Medal
Direct student mentored projects in the area of applying technology to curriculum development for language learning and technology in education.
Conduct research in the application of technology to education.
Serve on Joint Advisory Committee for the
Direct and teach courses in language and language education.
Conduct research in the application of technology to education.
Teach courses in Business French.
Serve on Joint Advisory Committee for the
Served on the Executive Board of the Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Instruction Consortium (CALICO).
Directed the activities of a world-unique, language learning facility. Responsibilities included the operations, programming, interactive materials development efforts, as well as new systems acquisition.
Developed strategies for technology transfer in cooperative research and development projects between the Federal and private sectors.
Served on the Executive Board of the Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Instruction Consortium (CALICO).
Managed visitor protocol and other logistics issues at the Paris Air Show for the Office of Defense Cooperation; American Embassy;
Played major role in formulating highly successful, intensive, summer language camp for high school students. Academic program involved developing software as well as teacher strategies for modifying the classroom experience through the integration of learning center-based interactive videodisc technology.
Served on the Management Board of the Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Instruction Consortium (CALICO).
Conducted research for the Aeronautical Systems Division of the Air Force Systems Command (ASD) on cost-effective means to produce interactive training materials. Worked with large text databases, videodisc, CD-ROM, and CD-ROM XA. (PASCAL, IconAuthor, and dBase III)
Acquired significant additional funding from other DOD agencies to broaden and to increase the impact of research being conducted for ASD.
Developed a strategic plan for future technology implementation in the Department of Foreign Languages.
Developed and taught graduate course on technology in foreign language education for the
Managed visitor protocol at the Paris Air Show for the Office of Defense Cooperation; American Embassy;
Chaired the Academy's Tenure Faculty Working Group on Technology in Education.
Developed innovative and cost-effective techniques that have significantly reduced interactive training materials development time. Software design has been implemented for materials development in areas outside of the Academy, resulting in considerable cost-savings over conventional methods. (IconAuthor)
Directed cooperative research and development efforts with
Acquired significant research funding from Air Force and DOD sources.
Conducted research on interactive training authoring systems for the Human Systems Division of the Air Force Systems Command. Investigated the effects on authoring productivity of graphical user interfaces in development and delivery systems.
Developed and programmed a unique microcomputer-based budget and accounting system that NATO auditors called a”model for other organizations to copy.” (dBase III)
Revised all NATO-AGARD organizational methods for the implementation of word and data processing systems.
Programmed software for organization budget preparation in accordance with NATO budget directives. (Framework)
Prepared a Five-Year ADP Plan for NATO-AGARD.
Conducted research on the uses of interactive video in education and training.
Served on committee that initiated requirement for each cadet to own a microcomputer. Five thousand microcomputers have since been installed at USAFA.
Produced USAFA's first videodisc.
Developed USAFA's first operational interactive video instruction.
Collaborated on research with Texas Instruments on interactive video instruction development.
Formulated initial plans for the development of the
Was instrumental in the creation in the Technology in Training and Education Conference (TITE) that has been continued to the present by the Department of Defense.
Taught Basic Course in Computer Science.
Wrote the Academy's first proposal and justification for the acquisition of computers for computer-based instruction.
Wrote the Academy's first general departmental request and justification for word processing support.
Developed programs for examination scoring and processing. (PL/1 and COBOL)
Conducted research using linear regression techniques on factors for improving advanced placement of language students. (SPSS)
Developed a computerized combat crew scheduling system that became the model for the Strategic Air Command (SAC). (FORTRAN)
Served on a Wing Standardization Crew responsible for verifying missile combat crew capabilities in Minuteman missile system operations, nuclear weapons system safety rules, and emergency war order execution.
Served as Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander. When on alert was responsible for security, nuclear weapon systems safety rules, and missile alert verification for ten nuclear-armed Minuteman missiles.
As a Graduate Assistant in the Minuteman Education Program of the
Served as camp counselor and group leader for high school students learning French and escorted them for a homestay in
Developed software for analyzing voting in the United Nations General Assembly. (FORTRAN)
Served as camp counselor and group leader for high school students learning French and escorted them for a homestay in
Developed data conversion and analysis techniques studying high speed fluid flow.
Operated machine tools (lathe, milling machine, etc.) and performed electrical installations.
Designed and supervised construction of a high current, variable voltage, power supply for an ion-drive engine (arc-jet) for research on NASA contracts.
Designed and constructed a quick-cool refrigeration system for high velocity shock tube.
Edited the 1996 volume in ACTFL’s Foreign Language Education Series: Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, with Robert M. Terry, Associate Editor.
Edited a CALICO Monograph: Interactive Videodisc: The Why and the How, with Alice Slaton, Miguel Verano and Martha Slayden. Volume 2 CALICO Monograph Series, Spring, 1991.
“Facilitating the Integration of Culture and Vocabulary Learning: The Categorization and Use of Pictures in the Classroom.” Foreign Language Annals. Winter 2007. In press.
“A Template for Development of Special Purpose Language Courses.” Journal of Language for International Business, 17:2; 82-104, 2006. With Danny Damron and Julie Damron.
“Teaching Arabic with Technology at BYU: Learning from the Past to Bridge to the Future.” CALICO Journal, XXI:3, 497-522, 2004. With
“Digital Versatile Disc (DVD): The new Medium for Interactive Video.” CALICO Journal, XVII:3, 453-474, 2000.
“Implementing Technology for Language Learning” pp. 287 - 349 in Technology-Enhanced Language Learning,
“Language Learning via the Web,” CALICO '96 Symposium Proceedings, Albuquerque, NM, 66-72, 30 June 1996.
“Hardware for Language Learning: Coping with Confusion,” Applied Language Learning, II:2, Spring 1992. Article based on an invited presentation at the conference entitled “Improving Foreign Language Teaching through Technology,” held at Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, Monterey, CA, 29 October 1991.
“From Interactive Videodisc to CD-XXX: The Future” pp. 111-117 in Interactive Videodisc: The Why and the How, Volume 2 CALICO Monograph Series, Spring, 1991.
“De l'E.A.O. à l'E.A.V.O. des langues étrangères à l'école de l'air américaine,” Nouvelles Technologies et Apprentisage des Langues, Special issue of Le Français dans Le Monde, August-September, 1988.
“Interactive Videodisc in Foreign Language Education,” with Jill Crotty in Modern Technology in Foreign Language Education: Applications and Projects, The ACTFL Foreign Language Education Series, National Textbook Company, 1988.
“Klavier Im Haus -- An Interactive Video Experiment in Foreign Language Instruction” with David M. Schrupp and Gunther A. Mueller, CALICO Journal, I:2, 17-21, 1983.
“Customized Video Playback: Standards for Content Description, Customization, and Personalization,” Educational Technology, 44(4), 5-13, July-August 2004. With Alan K Melby, Thor A Anderson, Jeremy M Browne, Merrill Hansen, and Ryan Corradini.
“Connecting Instructional Design to International Standards for Content Reusability,” Educational Technology, 42(6), 5-13, November-December 2002.
“Streaming Video: The Ultimate Response to Consumers’ Individual Tastes,” White Paper commissioned by the Multimedia Monitor, an industry newsletter of Phillips Business Information, Inc., July 1999.
“Milia 98,” Multimedia Monitor, XVI:3, 16-18, March, 1998.
“The DVD-ROM Initiative of the Software Publishers' Association,” Multimedia Monitor, XV:10, 22-23, September, 1997.
“Milia 97: International Publishing and New Media Market Conference,” Multimedia Monitor, XV:3, 22-25, March, 1997.
“Sorting out the Bad Guys in the Information Age: Fear & Loathing In Cyberspace,” Multimedia Monitor, XV:1, 24-26, January, 1997.
“Sorting out the Bad Guys in the Information Age: Fear & Loathing In Cyberspace,” Multimedia Monitor, XIV:12, 22-25, December, 1996.
“Of Heroes and Villains in the Information Age: Fear & Loathing In Cyberspace,” Multimedia Monitor, XIV:11, 20-25, November, 1996.
“Milia 96: International Publishing and New Media Market Conference,” Multimedia Monitor, XIV:3, 16-24, March, 1996.
“World Wide Web Technology: What’s Hot and What’s Not,” Multimedia Monitor, XIV:2, February, 1996.
“Against the Functionality Ceiling,” Learning on Demand, A Jupiter Communications Publication, September 1994.
“Reflections on Multimedia Development and Delivery Systems: Hardware, Software, and Politics,” Videodisc Monitor, X:6, 22-26, June, 1992.
“Will the Interactive Videodisc Industry Do Windows?,” Videodisc Monitor, VII:11, 27-29, November 1989.
“High Resolution Graphics and Interactive Video: Mixing Oil and Water,” Videodisc Monitor, VI:3, 26-27, March, 1988.
“Compte-Rendu de la Deuxième Conférence 'Microsoft' sur le CD-ROM,” Mémoires Optiques, 51-52, March-April, 1987.
“The Need for Strategic Alliances,” Videodisc Monitor, V:1, 22, January, 1987.
“La Première Conférence Internationale sur le CD-ROM Organisée par Microsoft,” Mémoires Optiques, 39, March, 1986.
Developing an Infrastructure for Technology-Enhanced Language Instruction in Critical Languages. Final Report, 1 Mar 2003—30 June 2004, NSEP Grant #DASW01-01-1-0001, 1 September 2004.
Online Swahili Course Support Materials. Testing underway through use by students at 6 universities around the country.
CD-ROM: “French at the Winter Olympics,” sponsored by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs for use by 5,500 volunteers at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, UT.
DVD version of Italian movie C’eravamo tanto amati. DVD disc has been published and is available from September, 1999.
Interactive Multimedia for Training and Documentation. Phase I Final Report on Research for Mark XV Program Office, ($175,000 project), Air Force Systems Command, US Air Force Academy, CO, January, 1991.
Pre-Deployment Survival Arabic Project, with Arana J. Greenberg, Charles Robertson, A. Allen Rowe, and Rebecca Theiss. Final Report for Third US Army Project ($104,000 project), US Air Force Academy, CO, December, 1990.
“The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Technology-Assisted Language Learning,” Based on the banquet address given at the 1989 CALICO Symposium, US Air Force Academy, CO, 31 March 1989, CALICO Journal, VII:3, 1989.
“A Review of an Authoring System for the TI 99-4 Computer,” 99'er Magazine, 1982.
An Automated Missile Operations Management System, 351st Strategic Missile Wing, Whiteman AFB, MO, June 1975.
“Data and Process Abstraction in the Cost Effective Production of Interactive Multimedia Learning Materials.”
“Augustine Tuillerie,” to be submitted to French Review.
“Computer-Aided Language Learning: Failed Hopes, Bright Future, or Both?” Presentation for College of Humanities Faculty, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 25 October 2006.
“From Teaching to Learning: Does technology have a role to play in education reform?” “Lansdowne Lecture”, University of
“Video for Language Learning: Progress at BYU’s Center for Language Studies.” US
“CVP - the future road for DVD in education?” with Alan Melby. DVD Summit IV,
“Teaching French with Chocolat” with Alan Melby. DVD Summit IV,
Panelist for McGraw-Hill’s 6th Annual Teleconference, "Internet and Foreign/Second Language Instruction," 18 October 2000.
“Making Instructional DVDs” DVD Pro Conference,
DVD Summit 1999
“From Videodisc to DVD”, Panelist in session entitled “DVD and CBT: DVD’s Impact on Training” at DVDPro Conference,
“Technology-Enhanced Language Learning: Techniques for the Classroom,” US Air Force Academy, CO, 31 March 1998.
“Hardware for Language Learning: Coping with Confusion,” Defense Language Institute Foreign
“Technology in Education in the Information Age,” Metropolitan
“Creating Learner Interactions,”
“Technology in Foreign Language Education,” VISTAS: Language Learning in the Age of Technology, Seminar for Language Faculty, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 4 October 1989.
“An Introduction to CD-ROM Technology,” Seminar for Infotec Development, Inc., US Air Force Academy, CO, 26 September 1989
“Using Technology to Facilitate Language Acquisition,” The
“Interactive Videodisc at the
“The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Technology-Assisted Language Learning,” Banquet Address, CALICO 89 Symposium, US Air Force Academy, CO, 31 March 1989.
“What is Your Job?,” Dow Chemical North American Training Managers Conference, Keystone, CO, 6 March 1989.
“Interactive Videodisc in the Air Force and at the
Keynote Address, Air Force Conference on Technology in Training and Education, Colorado Springs, CO, 16 March 1987.
“Interactive Videodisc in Language Learning,” The
“Interactive Videodisc in Language Learning,”
“Managing Online Learning for Improved Student Learning Outcomes.” UNTELE 2007 Conference (Usages des Nouvelles Technologies dans l'Enseignement des Langues Etrangères), Compiegne, France, 30 March 2007.
“SCORM-compliant Learning Objects in Online Language Learning.” CALICO 2006,
“A Practical Approach to Classroom Use of Culturally Authentic Images,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Content Data Models, Learning Management Systems, and Instructional Design Patterns,” CALICO 2006 Symposium,
“Student Videos in Foreign Language Learning,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Collaborative Storytelling Projects: Creating Context and Opportunities to Communicate,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“DVD and CALL," Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“A Blueprint for Syllabus Development in Advanced Language Courses,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Online Tutoring – Connecting Learners to Peoples and Cultures," Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Salt Lake City, UT, 23 November 2002. Co-presenters:
“Using Film to Broaden the Cultural and Linguistic Horizons of Grammar Teaching,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Les Enfants du Marais: Using Films for Language Learning,” (Including DVD technology) with
“Movies for Language Learning: DVD and Materials Development," Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Analyzing Subtitles for Language Learning,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“DVD for Language Learning,” CALICO 2000 Symposium,
“Emerging Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching: DVD,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Film and Foreign-Language Instruction in the French Classroom,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Interactive Movies on DVD,” CALICO '99 Symposium,
“Images, Culture, and Memory Representation: Integrative Techniques for Teaching,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Accessing Sound from a Spoken Corpus of German: A Feasibility Study” poster session with Randall L. Jones, Teaching and Language Corpora 98 (TALC98), Keble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England, 24-27 July 1998.
“DVD for Language Learning,” CALICO '98 Symposium,
“Images in the Classroom,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Technology for Supporting Classroom Teaching,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Language Learning via the Web,” CALICO '96 Symposium,
“Multimedia Technology and Language Learning,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Assessing Linguistic Competence and Cultural Understanding: A Computerized Hybrid Measurement Instrument.” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Getting Multimedia into the Classroom,” CALICO '95 Symposium,
“Story Telling and New Technologies; New Ways to Learn Languages,” ITC ‘95: Multimedia and Language Learning Conference,
“Teaching with Video in the Classroom,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Story Telling and New Technologies; New Ways to Learn Languages,” CALICO '94 Symposium,
“An Interactive Movie for Language Maintenance,” Multimedia and Language Training: XIIIth Multimedia and CBT Conference,
“Getting Started with Interactive Multimedia,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Interactive Technologies for Language Learning in Higher Education,” with Gunther A. Mueller, CALICO 1993 International Symposium,
“Interactive Movies: A Non-Didactic Approach to Foreign Language Skill Maintenance,” with
“Large-Scale Databases and Cost-Effective Interactive Materials Development,” CALICO '93 Symposium,
“A Computer in the
“Creating a Productive Environment for Multimedia Development: Organizational Concepts” with Mary Marlino, SALT 13th Annual Conference: Interactive Videodisc in Education and Training,
“Multimedia: A Technology Update,” CALICO '91 Symposium,
“Multimedia and Accelerated Language Learning,” CALICO '91 Symposium,
“Videodisc and CD-ROM XA: A Perfect Match for a Happy Marriage,” CALICO '90 Symposium,
“Videodisc and CD-ROM XA: A Migration Path to All-Digital Delivery,” The Eighth Annual Conference on Technology and Innovations in Training and Education, Colorado Springs, CO, 16 March 1990.
“Cost-Effective Interactive Videodisc Courseware Development: Separating Structure from Content,” Conference of the Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems (ADCIS),
“Education and Ecstasy: George B. Leonard's Vision 20 Years Later,” NEXUS '89: A Conference on Science Fact and Science Fiction, US Air Force Academy, CO, 28 April 1989.
“Report on Progress Toward the Development of the Interactive Phase of French in Action” with Pierre Capretz, CALICO '89 Symposium, US Air Force Academy, CO, 30 March 1989.
“Development of Interactive Videodisc Materials in Russian” with George Egan, CALICO '89 Symposium, US Air Force Academy, CO, 30 March 1989.
“Cost-Effective Interactive Videodisc Courseware Design,” SALT 10th Annual Conference: Interactive Videodisc in Education and Training,
“Authoring Productivity for Interactive Videodisc,” CALICO '88: Fifth Annual International Symposium,
“Symbolic Authoring Languages and Authoring Productivity,” Optical Information Systems '87.
“Videodisc Today. CD-ROM Tomorrow?,” Air Force Conference on Technology in Training and Education, Colorado Springs, CO, 20 March 1987.
“CD-ROM in Foreign Language Education,” CALICO '87: Sixth Annual International Symposium,
“Putting High Technology to Work in Education,” Air Force Conference on Technology in Training and Education,
“Developing a Pedagogy for Implementing Interactive Videodiscs in Second-Language Instruction,” Man and the Media: International AILA Symposium on Research Tendencies in the Teaching of Foreign Languages with Technical Aids,
“CAI in Foreign Language Instruction,” National Educational Computing Conference '83,
“High Technology and Fluent Thinking,” Air Force Conference on Technology in Training and Education, US Air Force Academy, CO, 26 April 1983.
“Making Existing Video Materials Interactive,” Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
“Making Existing Video Materials Interactive,” Foreign Language Instructional Technology Conference,
“Authoring DVD for Language Learning.” CALICO 2001 Pre-conference workshop,
“DVD for Beginners.” CALICO 2001 Pre-conference workshop,
“DVD Development for Language Learning,” CALICO 2000 Pre-conference workshop,
“Multimedia Opportunities in Software,” Internal Training Seminar, Regis McKenna Consultants,
“An Introduction to Current and Future Multimedia Technologies,” The Eighth Annual Conference on Technology and Innovations in Training and Education, Colorado Springs, CO, 15 March 1990.
“Advanced Seminar for Interactive Videodisc Materials Development” with Mr. Bert Geiss, CALICO '89 Symposium Workshop, US Air Force Academy, CO, 29 March 1989.
“Introductory Seminar for Interactive Videodisc” with Dr. Michael DeBloois, sponsored by 3M and IBM, Denver, CO, July 1988.
“Developing a Pedagogy for Implementation of Interactive Videodisc in Second Language Instruction” with A. Allen Rowe, 1984 CALICO Symposium Workshop,
“Customized Video Playback using a Standard Metadata Forma,” Poster Presentation with Alan Melby. Digital Humanities Conference,
“Success Stories: Education” with Kathleen Wilson, Margaret Calahan, David Brittain, and George Peterson. The 7th International Conference and Exposition on Multimedia and CD-ROM.
“Comparisons of Authoring Software Shoot-out,” with Alice Slaton and others. CALICO '91 Symposium,
“Interactive Audio/Video Authoring Systems: A Consumer Report,” Panel Discussion with Helen Hamerstrom, John Underwood, Alice Slaton, and A. Allen Rowe, CALICO '90 Symposium, Baltimore, MD, 22 March 1990.
“Interactive Video in French,” Inter-Agency Language Round Table Session, 34th
“Computer-Assisted Education,” Staff Retreat for the Governor of Colorado, US Air Force Academy, CO, August, 1982.
“So You Think Computers Are De-Humanizing?,”
“The Implications of Technology in Education,” The Department of English, US Air Force Academy, CO, January, 1982.
“So You Think Computers Are De-Humanizing?,” ACTFL Workshop, US Air Force Academy, CO, 24 November 1981.
“La Technologie dans l'Education,” Conférence pour la Formation des Enseignants des Ecoles Laïques, Bordeaux, France, July 1981.
“So You Think Computers Are De-Humanizing?,” Colorado Commission on Higher Education Task Force on The Implications of Educational Technology, US Air Force Academy, CO, 16 March 1981.
Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, Agilix Labs,
Distance Learning for Arabic,
Technology-Based Training, Nuskin Corporation, 2000.
Technology-Assisted Language Learning, Consulting for Roger Schank, Learning Sciences Corporation,
Consulting and programming in software development for interactive multimedia applications for English as a Second Language, HRB Systems, April 1997 - March 1999.
Consulted with company editors and organized technology focus group, Houghton Mifflin Publishing. October-November, 1994.
Technical Consultant on the Fernstudienbriefe (Distance Learning) Project. Goethe Institute and the American Association of Teachers of German. November 1993 - November 1994.
The Design of a Digital Video Interactive (DVI) Program for English as a Second Language. Multimedia Solutions Division, IBM Corporation. February-May, 1992.
Multimedia: A Technology Overview. Worked with Regis McKenna Consultants for Digital Equipment Corporation,
Cost-Effective Multimedia Materials Development: The Present and the Future. IBM Multimedia Solutions Division,
The Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET),
Air Force Advanced Instructional Design Advisor (AIDA) Project, Human Resources Laboratory; Brooks AFB, TX, 1989-1991.
CD-ROM in System Documentation and Training; US Air Force Systems Command-Aeronautical Systems Division, Mark XV Program, US Air Force Academy, CO, 1988-1991.
Pre-Deployment Survival Arabic Project; Third US Army, US Air Force Academy, CO, 1988-1990.
Authoring System Specifications Research; US Air Force Systems Command-Human Systems Division, US Air Force Academy, CO, 1987-1988.
Computer Systems Analysis and Programming Support, NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development;
Five Year Plan Development, Computer Project Team; District 20 Board of Education; Colorado Springs, CO, 1983-1984.
Expert Panel, Technology in Foreign Language Education, Goethe Institute;