Webinar on Ayamel

I had a great time yesterday doing a webinar on Ayamel. I have given many presentations in many different settings, but this was perhaps the most challenging. Sitting there looking at the computer screen with no visual feedback from the audience was interesting, to say the least.

As I was speaking during the presentation, I noticed a couple of typos in some slides due to some late additions. Also, listening to it afterwards, I noticed way too many “uhs,”which I considered editing out. Now, however, I have decided to throw vanity to the wind and make the link available immediately, simply because I believe that the brilliance of Ayamel will come through, despite the imperfections in the presenter’s delivery!

With that explanation, here is the link on YouTube for the video of the webinar. I have posted the PowerPoint deck here (corrected of course! 🙂  ). All I ask is that anyone who downloads the deck give attribution, should any slides be used in another presentation.

About [email protected]

I retired as a professor at Brigham Young University (BYU) in 2016 where I was Associate Professor of French and Instructional Pyschology & Technology. I arrived there in 1992 after my retirement as a Lieutenant Colonel from a 20-year career in the US Air Force. Most of that time was spent on the faculty at the US Air Force Academy (USAFA), during what I call my first career. For over forty years I have been creating interactive video applications for supporting language. The lab at the Language Learning Center at USAFA engaged in ground-breaking efforts conducted within a mentored learning setting. The lab’s work involved the development of technologies and instructional design strategies for the use of video in the language acquisition process as well as with architectures that support online learning and facilitate learning about learning. I have a BA in Political Science from BYU, an MBA from the University of Missouri, and a PhD in Foreign Language Education and Computer Science from The Ohio State University. At the Air Force Academy I was a key member of the team that designed what was then the largest interactive videodisc-based learning center on a college campus. When I retired from BYU I directed the ARCLITE Lab, which was involved in the creation of online learning materials for language learning as well as video and interactive technologies for learning.
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